miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014


After Valpo we went to Isla Negra, where Pablo Neruda had his second house called La Sebastiana, because of its architect... we went for a walk and we passed in front of this house, it wasn't the most important for us so we just saw it and that's it... ;)

Some chilean friend told us to drive the coast route because there we would see really authentic chilean towns... and we did it! Awesome places, where there weren't any tourism, people living there, chilean people in their daily lives... I love that! That's life...

Després de Valpo vam anar a Isla Negra, on Pablo Neruda hi tenia una segona casa anomenada La Sebastiana, en nom del seu arquitecte. Vam passar per davant i ja, només volíem fer un volt per allí i ja que hi érem veure la casa... tampoc era el q més ens interessava jeje!

Un amic xilé ens va recomanar la ruta de la costa, dient-nos que allà veuríem poblets autèntics xilens, coneixeríem Xile de debò. Així ho vam fer i realment, així va ser: Xile real, encantador. Pobles sense turisme, la seva gent vivint allí les seves rutines... Genial!!! Això és la vida xilena ;)


Jugant amb Lala... Playing with Lala...

Beatiful flowers we saw there...

Cochayuyo. Tipus d'algues que aquí mengen sovint... les assequen com veieu aquí i es barregen a les amanides, pasta, carn...
Cochayuyo. Seaweed that chilean eat... it can be mixed in a salad, rice, meat... everywhere.

Lala enjoyed the most!

Impressiona llegir això a cada pas.
Scary to read this everywhere...

Lala troba un amic. És el gos de la casa de Pablo Neruda, un callejero que ja se l'han quedat allí. Es diu, como no, Sebastián.
Lala's friend. He was in Pablo Neruda's house. He was a street dog until they keep his in the house. He's called Sebastian.

Vistes des del restaurant de la casa Pablo Neruda, allí et deixen entrar a mirar sense pagar ;)
View inside Pablo Neruda's house, in the restaurant. You can enter without paying in the restaurant ;)

De camí de nou...


Detall del cotxe ;) ens porta bona sort i "buena onda" ;)
Inside our car ;) it gives us lucky ;)

DIRECCIÓ MELIPILLA... Queda una mica més endins, no és coster. Aquí hi va viure un amic que hem fet a Santiago i teníem curiositat de conèixer-ho...

Melipilla is not in the coast. We went there because a friend in Santiago, chilean guy, so nice! told us that he was living there for a while... we were curious to know the place...



I de camí de nou...
Again on the road...

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